Lack of affordable, accessible transportation is the number one barrier identified by people in wheelchairs in our community. Many times, it stops them from participating in family, social and community events. In turn, people in wheelchairs report feelings of isolation and helplessness. Since it was the number one issue raised, Mobility Mania has made it its number one priority. Our goal has been one of collaboration with many people and agencies. We have spearheaded education and conversations with MNDOT, AEOA, community leaders and other social service groups that assist the “differently-abled.”
As there is no one solution to providing transportation to our entire rural community, Mobility Mania has created an innovative transportation option for people in wheelchairs called the Mobility Mania Voucher Program. We have partnered with Samaritan Transport to provide rides to people in wheelchairs when public transportation is not available. This program would not be possible without the financial funding and support from the Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation and the Blandin Foundation. Mobility Mania is truly blessed by their support, vision and commitment to Accessibility For All.
- Free transportation to a wheelchair bound rider + 1 companion
- any age or financial status, up to 4 hours once a month
- Hours: Thursday & Friday 4p-10p, Saturday 10a-10p
- Service Area: Grand Rapids city limits
- Reservations to be made one week in advance between 8a-4p by calling Samaritan Transport (218) 301-8100
- Samaritan Transport reserves the right to deny service due to weather, funding or any other circumstance

This past year Mobility Mania has partnered with ElderCircle, AEOA and Itasca Life Options in creating another transportation option called Social Movability. This would be an expansion of the current voucher program where we would increase our service area and include ridership to not only people in wheelchairs but to all people that are “differently-abled” or over age 60. This program will be cutting edge as we are unaware of any other community providing this type of service. The cost of a ride would be based on a sliding fee scale, with most of this pilot project being funded by grants. Keep your fingers crossed that we are successful in securing the funding needed to blast this pilot project off the ground. More to come on Social Movability!

Mark Dayton, Governor of the State of Minnesota, ordered:
- The Governor’s Advisory Council on Connected and Automated Vehicles (“Advisory Council”) to be established to study, assess, and prepare for the transformation and opportunities associated with the widespread adoption of automated and connected vehicles.
- The Advisory Council will develop recommendations for changes in state law, rules, and policies to maximize the benefits and prepare for the widespread adoption of automated and connected vehicles.
- Charles Zelle, the Commissioner of Transportation and Christopher Clark, President of Xcel Energy-Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota shall serve as Co-Chairs of the Advisory Council.
- The Advisory Council must consist of thirteen other members appointed by the Governor with relevant experience in finance, transit, higher education, workforce training, insurance, automotive industry, advocacy, freight, labor, public safety, technology, or local government.
Myrna Peterson was one of those thirteen members appointed to this Council. Over that 8 months, an amazing amount of work was accomplished.. Minnesota is the only state to obtain broad stakeholder and public input before authorizing automated vehicle use. Continuation of broad public engagement will be essential to advancing CAV for the benefit of all Minnesotans. The report to the Governor and Legislature was submitted and made public on the MnDOT website
The “Accessibility For All” Challenge is being extended to you!
The City of Grand Rapids supports Mobility Mania in its quest to make Itasca County the most wheelchair accessible county in the state of Minnesota.
If you are planning on building or renovating in the City of Grand Rapids, it is our hope that you will be open to a conversation with our wheelchair experts that will share tips, tricks and a wheelchair point of view to ensure your project is not only code complaint, but the most accessible it can be as well.
Will you take the “Accessibility For All” challenge and help us make our community a better place for all?
Accessible for All!
For collaboration, please call Myrna at 218-301-6028 or Lee at 218-290-7349.
We greatly appreciate your time and consideration.
Thank you very much!